Not Permitted

Dangerous Goods are classified as items or substances that are capable of posing a hazard to Health, Safety , Property or Environment. The transport of these goods is regulated by international civil aviation regulations, and they are generally not allowed in either cabin baggage or checked baggage, with some exceptions. 

See the table below to determine what items are classified as Dangerous Goods, what is permitted in baggage and what you need to declare at the airport. 

 *SalamAir does not carry any Dangerous Goods materials 

 Not permitted in Hand Baggage

 Not permitted in Hand Baggage

Category Example Items
Guns, Firearms and other devices that discharge projectiles devices designed to cause serious injury by discharging a projectile, or that could be mistaken for such device, including toys, antiques and replicas. * Firearms of all types, including pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns. * Toy guns, replicas and imitation firearms capable of being mistaken for real weapons.  * Component parts of firearms, (excluding telescopic sights).  * Compressed air and CO2 guns, including pistols, pellet guns, rifles and ball bearing guns.  * Signal flare pistols and starter pistols.  * Bows, cross bows and arrows.  * Harpoon guns and spear guns- Slingshots and catapults. 
Stunning devices: devices designed specifically to stun or immobilize. * Devices for shocking, such as stun guns (e.g. teasers) and stun batons.  * Animal stunners and animal killers.  * Disabling and incapacitating chemicals, gases and sprays, such as mace, pepper or capsicum spray, tear gas, acid sprays and animal repellent sprays.
Objects with sharp points or edges that could be used to cause serious injury. * Items designed for chopping, such as axes, hatchets, and cleavers.  * Ice axes and ice picks.  * Razor blades, box cutters.  * Knives with blades of more than 6 cm.  * Scissors with blades of more than 6 cm as measured from the fulcrum.  * Martial art equipment with sharp points or edges- Swords and sabers. 
Workers tools that could be used to cause serious injury. * Crowbars.  * Drills and drill bits, including cordless portable power drills.  * Tools with blades or shafts more than 6 cm that could be used as weapons, such as screwdrivers, chisels.  * Saws, including cordless portable power saws.  * Blowtorches- Bolt guns and nail guns.
Blunt Instruments objects that could be used to cause serious injury when used to hit. * Baseball and softball bats.  * Clubs and batons – such as billy clubs, blackjacks, and night sticks.  * Martial arts equipment. 
Explosives and incendiary substances devices (including replicas) that could be used to cause serious injury or threaten the safety of the aircraft. * Ammunition.  * Blasting caps.  * Detonators & fuses.  * Mines, grenades and other explosive military stores.  * Pyrotechnics, including fireworks.  * Smoke generating canisters or cartridges- Dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives. 

 Not permitted in Checked Baggage

Not permitted in Checked Baggage

Category Example Items
Corrosives * Mercury, acids, alkalis and wet cell batteries. * Infectious substances such as bacteria, viruses. * Poisons such as insecticides, weed killers, arsenic and cyanides. * Radioactive Material.
Oxidizing Materials & Organic Peroxides. Bleaches and fiber glass repair kits.
Compressed Gases* (deeply refrigerated, flammable, non-flammable and poisonous). Butane, oxygen*, propane and aqualung cylinders.
Flammable Liquids and Solids. Lighter or heavier fuels, paint and all matches*.
Explosives Fireworks, flares, ammunition*, Christmas crackers and firearms.

Permitted With Conditions

Aside from the above restrictions on items you can carry within your checked or hand baggage, please note the below: 

  • Medical and toilet articles in small quantities may be carried. 
  • Sporting ammunition - up to 5kg may be carried in checked baggage if they are properly boxed. Contact your local SalamAir office for prior approval. 
  • Safety matches may be carried on the person. 
  • Liquids, aerosols and gels may be carried in hand baggage in individual containers with a capacity not greater than 100 ml (or equivalent) and contained in one transparent re-sealable plastic bag of a capacity not exceeding 1 litre (or equivalent). The contents of the plastic bag shall fit comfortably and the bag must be completely closed. The size of the plastic bag must not exceed 20cm x 20cm (8 inches x 8 inches).  Medications, baby milk/foods and special dietary requirements in the form of liquids or gels will be allowed.   

Lithium Batteries 

Whether a lithium battery can be carried by air or not depends on its configuration and either watt-hour (Wh) rating (for rechargeable) or lithium content (LC) (for non-rechargeable). 

  • To convert amp-hours (Ah) to watt-hours (Wh), multiply (Ah) by voltage. 
  • Passengers can carry up to 15 portable electronic devices containing lithium ion batteries. The watt-hour rating for batteries should not exceed 100 (or 2g, for lithium metal). 
  • Maximum number of batteries allowed is 20 per passenger, regardless of the type of battery. 
  • Spare batteries may not be placed in checked baggage. The terminals of all spare batteries should be protected from short circuit by enclosing them in their original retail packaging; taping over the terminals; or using separate plastic bags for each battery. 
  • Batteries contained in equipment such as laptop computers, cameras or mobile phones, must be switched off and measures taken to ensure that they cannot be accidentally activated when placed in checked baggage. 

Lithium batteries classification

  •  Small (up to 100 watt-hours / up to 2g lithium metal): Including those used in mobile phones, watches, MP3 players and most original laptop batteries. 
  • Medium (100-160 watt-hours / up to 8g lithium metal): Including some extended-life batteries for laptop computers, and batteries used by audio or video professionals. 
  • Large (more than 160 watt-hours / more than 8g lithium metal): Primarily used in industry and including those found in some electric and hybrid vehicles, as well as mobility devices and scooters. 
 Not permitted in Hand Baggage Use the following table to determine if your battery is acceptable: 
Watt-Hour rating (Wh) or (Li content) Configuration Hand baggage Checked baggage Operator Approval
≤ 100 Wh (2g) In equipment Yes (Max 15) Yes No
≤ 100 Wh (2g) Spares Yes (Max 20) No No
> 100 to ≤ 160 Wh In equipment Yes Yes Yes
> 100 to ≤ 160 Wh Spares Yes (Max 2) No Yes
> > 160 Wh Must be presented and carried as Cargo in accordance with the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations Must be presented and carried as Cargo in accordance with the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations Must be presented and carried as Cargo in accordance with the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations Must be presented and carried as Cargo in accordance with the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations

  • To convert amp-hours (Ah) to watt-hours (Wh), multiply (Ah) by voltage. 
  • Passengers can carry up to 15 portable electronic devices containing lithium ion batteries. The watt-hour rating for batteries should not exceed 100 (or 2g, for lithium metal). 
  • Maximum number of batteries allowed is 20 per passenger, regardless of the type of battery. 
  • Spare batteries may not be placed in checked baggage. The terminals of all spare batteries should be protected from short circuit by enclosing them in their original retail packaging; taping over the terminals; or using separate plastic bags for each battery. 
  • Batteries contained in equipment such as laptop computers, cameras or mobile phones, must be switched off and measures taken to ensure that they cannot be accidentally activated when placed in checked baggage. 

Lithium batteries classification

  •  Small (up to 100 watt-hours / up to 2g lithium metal): Including those used in mobile phones, watches, MP3 players and most original laptop batteries. 
  • Medium (100-160 watt-hours / up to 8g lithium metal): Including some extended-life batteries for laptop computers, and batteries used by audio or video professionals. 
  • Large (more than 160 watt-hours / more than 8g lithium metal): Primarily used in industry and including those found in some electric and hybrid vehicles, as well as mobility devices and scooters. 

Smart Baggage

Salam Air has specific restrictions in regard to the transportation of ‘smart baggage.’ 
Smart baggage devices often have: 

  • A lithium ion battery power bank that charges electronic devices such as mobile phones and laptops.
  • A lithium ion battery that is used for a stand up scooter or sit on vehicle.
  • Bluetooth, radio frequency identification and Wi-Fi capability.
  • GPS tracking with or without GSM capability.
  • Electronic baggage tags.
  • Electronic locks.
  • Self-propelled baggage.

Smart baggage equipped with a permanently fixed (non-removable) lithium battery is not allowed as ‘carry-on’ or as ‘checked baggage.’ 

Smart baggage equipped with a removable lithium battery can only be accepted as checked baggage if the battery is removed. The removed lithium battery must then be carried on board by the passenger and must remain in their hand baggage. 
If your smart baggage is brought on board as a carry-on, the lithium battery must remain in the baggage. When transporting, measures must be taken to prevent unintentional activation and to protect the device from damage. The device must be completely switched off (not in sleep or hibernation mode). 

The rules above do not apply to smart baggage equipped only with lithium button cells. 

Special Baggage Items 

Contact us if you plan to carry any equipment or products that fall within the below categories: 

  • Chemicals: Household cleaners, mercury, paint, and any other type of chemicals.
  • Gas: Aerosol cans, gas cylinders.
  • Heavy work: Including electrical tools and equipment used for drilling, expeditions and mining as well as automobile parts.
  • Medical: Dental apparatus, diagnostic specimens, frozen embryos.
  • Special interest (sport, hobbies): Ammunition, musical instruments, and equipment used for camping, photography, and diving.
  • Other: Frozen food, household goods.

Prohibition on Pagers and Walkie-Talkies on SalamAir Flights

SalamAir prohibits carrying any pager or walkie-talkie device within airport facilities, buildings, or on SalamAir aircraft. This applies to all passengers with strict. Enforcement of this prohibition for checked baggage, cabin luggage, or on person.

SalamAir will also not accept pagers or walkie-talkies as cargo on its aircraft.